“Grandparents” preschool storytime

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – Sing and Dance in your Polka Dot Pants – Eric Litwin

Song: Eric Litwin’s “Polka Dot Pants 

Tommy Thumbs Up
Tommy Thumbs up (thumbs up)
and Tommy Thumbs down. (thumbs down)
Tommy Thumbs dancing all over town.  (Dance thumbs)
Dance ‘em on your shoulders.
(Bounce them on shoulders)
Dance ‘em on your head. (Bounce them on head)
Dance ‘em on your knees. (Bounce them on knees)
And tuck them into bed! (Fold arms, hiding hands)
Source: King County Library System

Book – I Really Want to See You, Grandma – Taro Gomi

Song- Ralph’s World – “Driving in my Car

Rain on the Green Grass
Rain on the green grass
Rain on the tree
Rain on the rooftop
But none on me
Source: King County Library System

The More We Get Together
The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be
‘Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be
Oh, the more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be
Source: Skokie Public Library

Book – Tea with Grandpa – Barney Saltzberg 

Song: Jim Gill’s “Two for Tea 

This song sounds like a train slowly starting to move and then chug-chug-chugging along!
Use your arms as train wheels that slowly rotate into action.
Coffee, coffee, coffee (say the words and move your arms very slowly)
Fish and chip, fish and chips, fish and chips (a little faster)
Cheese and crackers, cheese and crackers, cheese and crackers (even faster)
Meat and potatoes, meat and potatoes, meat and potatoes (faster still!)
Soup! Soup! Soup!  (Mimic a train whistle)
Source: King County Library System

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Finding jobs and becoming well-adjusted adults and citizens would be difficult without knowing how to read! Practice reading together every day.

Other books for this theme
One, Two, Grandpa Loves You by Shelly Becker and illustrated by Dan Yaccarino

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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

“Feelings and Emotions” Preschool Storytime


Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – The Big Bear Hug – Nicholas Oldland
After this book, I explained that the bear calmed his anger by taking a deep breath. We then took a couple of deep breaths ourselves to calm us down.

If You’re Happy and You Know It
If you’re happy and you know it,
clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it,
clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it,
your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it,
clap your hands.
If you’re angry and you know it, stomp your feet
It you’re sad and you know it, wipe your eyes (wipe tears away)
 If you’re scared and you know it, hide your face.
Source: Adapted Traditional 

Boo Boo
One, two I’ve got a boo-boo
Three, four, oh, it’s sore!
Five, six, blow it a kiss
Seven, eight, put the bandage on straight
Nine, ten now it’s better again!
Source: King County Library System

Book – Grumpy Bird – Jeremy Tankard

Song – Ziggy Marley “Ziggy Says

A Ram Sam Sam
A ram sam sam a ram sam sam
Guli guli guli guli guli
Ram sam sam
A rafi, a rafi,
Guli guli guli guli guli
A ram sam sam
Source: Storyblocks

Book- Pete the Cat and his four Groovy Buttons – Eric Litwin

Song: Jim Gill’s “Countdown

Faces with Emotions felt board

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Modeling – Use a variety of strategies to give children examples of emotional intelligence in action:
• Adult Behavior – Make sure that you model the kind of behavior and problem-solving skills you would like them to acquire. For example, when you make a mistake, admit it and then point to the possibility of improving in the future. “Oops, I spilled the water. I will mop it up and try to be more careful next time.”
• Role-Playing – Use dolls and puppets to act out situations to which children can relate and to show characters modeling positive behavior. You can have two puppets bumping into each other, with the more aggressive one saying, “I’m sorry,” and asking if the other is hurt.
Source: Early Childhood News

Other books that could work for this theme
Big Boys Cry –
Jonty Howley

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Yogibrarian is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“Guess the silly – and gross – theme!” preschool storytime


Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – One Day in the Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Tree by Daniel Bernstrom

I’m being eaten by a boa constrictor
I’m being eaten by a boa constrictor
And I don’t like it very much
Oh no! He’s got my toe!
Oh Gee! He’s got my knee!
Oh My! He’s got my thigh!
Oh Fiddle! He’s got my middle!
Oh Heck! He’s got my neck!
Oh Dread! He’s got my – GULP
Source: Shel Silverstein. Here’s a video from Miss Nina.
14264820_10209186938262096_2404171325724828698_n 14291703_10209186938662106_3139256102510451923_n

Song: Laurie Berkner’s “I Feel Crazy so I Jump in the Soup

Book: Old MacDonald had a Dragon by Ken Baker

Dragon, Dragon
Dragon, dragon, dance around
Dragon, dragon, touch the ground
Dragon, dragon, scratch your head
Dragon, dragon, point to red
Dragon, dragon, shut the door
Dragon, dragon, give a great big roar
Source: King County Library System

Felt Board – Pigs and Pancakes

Form the Corn
First you form the corn
Form, form the corn
Then you husk the corn
Husk, husk the corn
Then you pop the corn
Pop, pop the corn
Form, peel, mash potatoes
Form, peel, squeeze the orange
Form, pick, squish the squash
Form, dice the onion, cry
Form, peel, go bananas
Source: GoNooodle Moose Tube

Book – Bark, George! by Jules Feiffer

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped her head
Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
Continue until there are no monkeys left.
Source: Traditional

Tommy Thumbs Up
Tommy Thumbs up
Tommy Thumbs down
Tommy Thumbs dancing
All over town
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head
Dance them on your knees
And tuck them into bed
Source: King County Library System

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Humor is movement. Humor is language. Humor is socialization. Humor is “brain food.” Not only does humor provide a learning experience, it is also an important part of “feeding” brain development. When a child (or anyone) laughs, the flow of blood increases to the brain. How do you feel after a good laugh? Usually we feel energized and alert. Humor can set the stage for learning by helping children release tension and focus on the task at hand. Humor increases the brain’s receptivity to learning. So tell jokes and riddles, be silly, dance a jig-you will be creating the perfect climate for learning.
Source: Scholastic

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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


And if you haven’t guessed, there sure are a lot of books about things being eaten and then spewed back up. Happy storytiming!

“Christmas and Holiday” preschool storytime

christmas preschool

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – Llama Llama Holiday Drama by Anne Dewdney

Going on a Santa Hunt
We’re going on a Santa hunt.
We can’t wait to see him!
Oh, no!
There’s a lake, an icy, frozen lake.
We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it.
We’ve got to go across it.  Put on your skates (skate, skate, skate, skate).
We’re going on a Santa hunt. . . . .
Oh, no!
A snowstorm.  A whirling, swirling snowstorm.
We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it.
We’ve got to go through it.
(Whooooh, whoooh, whoooh, whoooh.)
We’re going on a Santa hunt. . . .
Oh, no!  A herd of reindeer.  Big reindeer,  with bells around their necks.
We can’t go over them. We can’t go under them.  We’ve got to go through.
(Jingle, jangle, jingle, jangle).
We’re going on a Santa hunt…
Oh, no!  A cave.  A dark, narrow cave.
We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it.
We’ve got to go through it.
(Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.)
What’s that at the back of the cave?  Lots of white fur, little black eyes, sharp teeth.
Is it Santa?  No!  It’s!  A!  Polar!  Bear!!
Source: King County Library System

Here is a Chimney
Here is the chimney
(Make fist, enclose thumb)
Here is the top (Palm of hand on top of fist)
Open the lid (Remove hand quickly)
And out Santa will pop (Pop up thumb)
Source: Storytime Katie

Let’s All Do a Little Clapping
(Tune: We Wish You a Merry Christmas)
Let’s all do a little clapping
Let’s all do a little clapping
Let’s all do a little clapping
And spread Christmas cheer.
(Jumping, bending, twirling, sitting)
Source: Jbrary

Song: Laurie Berkner’s “Jingle Bells” (with bells)

Ring Those Bells (tune: Jimmy Crack Corn)
Ring those bells and turn around,
Ring those bells and turn around,
Ring those bells and turn around,
Holiday time is here!
Ring those bells and stamp your feet…
Ring those bells and clap your hands…
Ring those bells and jump up high…
Ring those bells and touch the floor…
Source: King County Library System

Book – Jingle Jingle by Nicola Smee

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (for solstice)
Have the kids spread their arms and legs wide, like a 5-pointed star yoga pose. Cross the midline of the body while singing touch one arm to the opposite leg and then repeating on the other side. 
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Source: Traditional

Spin, Little Dreidels (for Hanukkah)
Spin, little dreidels, go, go, go.
Spin, little dreidels, now go slow.
Spin, little dreidels, jump so high.
Spin, little dreidels, reach for the sky.
Spin, little dreidels, touch your nose.
Spin, little dreidels, stand on your toes.
Spin, little dreidels. take a hop.
Spin, little dreidels, don’t you stop.
Spin, little dreidels, spin around.
Spin, little dreidels, drop to the ground.
Source: King County Library System

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Letters to Santa are a great way to promote early literacy skills during the holiday season. Color pictures to leave for Santa or to give as gifts. Organize Christmas cookies by shape or color. Line up presents by size on Christmas morning.

Joke! What do you get when you cross a Christmas tree and an iPad?
a pineapple


Also, if anyone knows any interactiv eKwanzaa songs/rhymes, please send them my way!


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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“Reading and Libraries” preschool storytime

preschool reading

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – Book! Book! Book! by Deborah Bruss 

Song – “I Know a Chicken” – Laurie Berkner (with egg shakers)

Felt Board – Bookworm
5 felt books in 5 different colors – red, blue, green, black, purple
1 felt worm. Hide the worm behind one of the books.
“Bookworm, bookworm, playing hide and seek.
Are you behind the ____ book? Let’s take a peek!”
Source: Jbrary

 Put Your Hands in the Air
Put your hands in the air,
And touch the ground.
Put your finger on your nose,
And your tongue all around.
Put your hands on your shoulders,
And your elbows on your knees.
Put your chin in your hands, & say,
“Read me a story please.”
Source: King County Library System

 Book – Lola at the Library by Anna McQuinn 

Song – Jim Gill’s “Can’t Wait to Celebrate 

Story Train
Story train, story train
Chugging down the track.
If you want a story, hook onto my back.
Story train, story train chugging all around,
If you want a story then we’ll all sit down!
Source: King County Library System

Read your Books (Row your Boat)
Read, read, read your books,
Read them every day.
Books are fun (jazz hands!)
And make us smart
(point to your amazing brain)
In every kind of way (swoop arms around!)
Source: King County Library System

Open the Book, Close the Book
Arms, legs, both
Close the book. Open the book. Turn the page.
Start seated with arms stretched out in front of you, palms touching. To “open the book,” stretch the arms wide. To close it, bring them back together. To “turn the page,” open just the right arm and close it, then the left arm and close it. Repeat “turning pages” until the kids giggle. Repeat the whole sequence using legs instead of arms. Then try arms and legs together. 

Book – Dinosaur vs. the Library by Bob Shea

Dinosaurs Used to Stomp
Dinosaurs used to stomp
Dinosaurs used to roar
But now they’re quiet
And quite still
Because they exist no more
Source: I could have sworn I got this from KCLS, but nothing is coming up in a google search. While I would love to take credit for it, I’m certain it didn’t come from my head. If anyone knows a source for this, please pass it along! 

Felt Board – Five Enormous Dinosaurs

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: READ EVERY DAY!
Make reading fun. Use voices and gestures to bring stories to life.


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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“Drive-ins, Diners, and Drives” preschool storytime

diners preschool

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – Noisy Breakfast by Ellen Blonder

Toast in the Toaster
I’m toast in the toaster
I’m getting very hot
Tick tock, tick tock, up I pop!
Source: Jbrary

This song sounds like a train slowly starting to move and then chug-chug-chugging along!
Use your arms as train wheels that slowly rotate into action.
Coffee, coffee, coffee (say the words and move your arms very slowly)
Fish and chip, fish and chips, fish and chips (a little faster)
Cheese and crackers, cheese and crackers, cheese and crackers (even faster)
Meat and potatoes, meat and potatoes, meat and potatoes (faster still!)
Soup! Soup! Soup!  (Mimic a train whistle)
Source: King County Library System

Book – Too Pickley by Jean Reidy

Song – They Might be Giants “Clap Your Hands 

If You like your Eggs Scrambled
(Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands
Yes, they’re yummy and they’re yellow
So you’ll be a happy fellow
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands
If you like your eggs fried, jump up high…
If you want bacon with your eggs, wiggle your legs…

If you want toast instead, nod your head (Mmmm-hmmm).
Yes, it’s yummy and it’s great
So you’ll be glad that you ate
If you want toast instead, nod your head.
Source: King County Library System

Jello in the Bowl
Jello in the bowl, Jello in the bowl,
Wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble,
Jello in the bowl.
Cookies in the tin, cookies in the tin,
Shake ‘em up, shake ‘em up,
cookies in the tin
Candles on the cake, candles on the cake,
Blow ‘em out, blow ‘em out,
Candles on the cake.
Source: King County Library System

Book – Soup Opera by Jim Gill (with audio – I teach the kids to sing, “I can’t eat the soup!” before we start so we can sing along. 

Flip Flap Jack (to the tune of Aiken Drum)
There was a man made of food, made of food, made of food
There was a man made of food
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
His head was made of a pancake, a pancake, a pancake
His head was made of a pancake,
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
His eyes were made of blueberries, blueberries, blueberries
His eyes were made of blueberries
And his name was Flip Flap Jack.
Repeat the phrasing with ears/oranges, nose/strawberry, mouth/sausage, hair/whipped cream, body/waffle, arms/bananas, legs/bacon, feet/French toast, bellybutton/raspberry
Source: Adapted traditional

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Magnetic letters are available at toy stores. Put them on the refrigerator or let your child use them on a cookie sheet at home or while travelling. Children learn by using their senses, including their sense of touch.


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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“Stars and Stripes” preschool storytime

preschool 4th

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – Apple Pie 4th of July by Janet S. Wong

Song – “Irrational Anthem” – Jim Gill

Boom Bang
Boom, bang, boom, bang!
(clap hands like cymbols)
Rumpety, lumpety, bump!
(drum thighs like a drum)
Zoom, zam, zoom, zam!
(slide hands back and forth)
Clippety, clappety, clump!
(stomp on the floor)
Source: King County Library System 

The Finger Band
The finger band has come to town,
Come to town, come to town.
The finger band has come to town
so early in the morning.
This is the way we play the drums,
Play the drums, play the drums.
This is the way we play the drums
so early in the morning.
Play other instruments like flute, tuba
The finger band has gone away,
Gone away, gone away.
The finger band has gone away
so early in the morning
Source: Nuttin’ but Preschool

Book – We’re Going on a Picnic! by Pat Hutchins

Felt Board – Five Hungry Ants
Five hungry ants were marching in a line.
They came across a picnic where they could dine.
They marched into the salad. They marched into the cake.
They marched into the pepper. Uh-oh, that was a mistake.
Source: King County Library System

A Little Hot Dog
I had a little hot dog,
I popped it in a bun
I added some relish — Hot dogs are fun!
I spread on some ketchup,
And mustard, like I should.
Then I popped it in my mouth,
“Mmm, mmm good!”
Source: King County Library System

Book – Red, White, and Boom! by Lee Wardlaw

Wave the Flag (with scarves)
Wave, wave, wave the flag,
Hold it very high.
Watch the colors gently wave,
Way up in the sky.
March, march, march around,
Hold the flag up high.
Wave, wave, wave the flag,
Way up in the sky
Source: Harris County Public Library

Bubble Machine!

All Around the Library
All around the library
The children chased the bubbles.
The children laughed and had such fun.
Pop! Go the bubbles.
Source: Monroe County Library System

 Bubble Hop
1 bubble, 2 bubbles, 3 bubbles, top.
4 bubbles, 5 bubbles, 6 bubbles, hop.
7 bubbles, 8 bubbles, 9 bubbles, pop.
10 bubbles float down, time to stop.
Source: King County Library System

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip
Put paper plates, cups, and napkins along with plastic forks and spoons in a picnic basket. Lay out a blanket on the floor and arrange several stuffed-animal “picnic guests” around it. Ask your children to tell how many plates they will need to take out of the basket for the guests. Have them check their answer by putting a plate in front of each animal. Did they take out too many plates? Too few? Just the right number? Continue in the same manner using the remaining items in the picnic basket.
Source: Preschool Express


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“It’s my birthday, and I’ll read what I want to” (Miss Andrea’s favorites) preschool storytime

preschool bday

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – No, No, Kitten! by Shelley Moore Thomas

Calling bananas of the world!
Bananas unite. Bananas split.
Slide to the left and slide to the right
Peel your banana and, yum, take a bite!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Go Bananas, go go bananas!
Source: King County Library System 

Song – “Airplane” by Laurie Berkner 

A Ram Sam Sam
A ram sam sam
A ram sam sam
Guli guli guli guli guli
Ram sam sam
A rafi, a rafi,
Guli guli guli guli guli
A ram sam sam
Source: Storyblocks 

Book – This Book Just Ate my Dog! by Richard Byrne 

 Felt Board – Five Hungry Ants
Five hungry ants were marching in a line
They came across a picnic
Where they could dine.
They marched into the salad.
They marched into the cake.
They marched into the pepper.
Uh-oh, that was a mistake.
Source: King County Library System
Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds sitting on a hill
One named Jack and one named Jill
Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill.
Come back, Jack. Come back, Jill .
Sitting in a car… near and far
Flying in the sky…low/high
Sitting on a gate…Early/late
Sitting on a pole…Fast/slow
Sitting on the ice…Mean/nice
Sitting on a gate… Wobbly/straight
Sitting on a mop… Bottom…top
Sitting on a cloud… Quiet and loud
Sitting on a lily… Serious/silly
Source: Jbrary

Book – Is Everyone Ready for Fun? by Jan Thomas 

Song – Mr. Eric’s “Dance, Freeze, Melt

Felt Board – Pigs and Pancakes
Source: Fun with Friends at Storytime

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Celebrate Miss Andrea’s birthday week by reading and dancing with your kiddos!

More books
Your Birthday was the Best – Maggie Hutchins

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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“Spring and Bunnies” preschool storytime

Preschool spring bunnies

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – The Little Rabbit who Liked to Say Moo by Jonathan Allen

Song: Lunch Money’s “Are you a Rabbit?

There was a Little Bunny
There was a little bunny who lived in the wood. (hold up two fingers)
He wiggled his ears as a good bunny should (wiggle on head)
He hopped by a squirrel. He hopped by a tree. (hop, hop)
He hopped by a duck. And he hopped by me. (hop, hop over fist)
He stared at the squirrel.  He stared at the tree. (stare, stare)
He stared at the duck. But he made faces at me! (stare, make faces)
Source: Storytime Katie

Book – The Easter Bunny’s Assistant  by Jan Thomas

Sleeping Bunnies
See the little bunnies sleeping
‘Til it’s nearly noon?
Shall we wake them with a merry tune?
Oh, so still. Are they ill?
Wake up little bunnies!
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
Hop little bunnies, hop, hop, hop
Hop little bunnies ‘til I say stop
Source: Russ (The original is not his, but I love his extra verses.)

Bunny Pokey
You put your paws in, you put your paws out
You put your paws in and
You shake them all about
You do the bunny pokey
As you hopn yourself around
That’s what it’s all about
Repeat with ears, tail
Source: Adapted tradtional

Here is a Green Leaf
Here is a green leaf, and here is a green leaf
And that makes two.
Here is a bud that makes the flower.
Now watch it bloom for you.
Source: Jbrary (I didn’t use scarves this time.)

Book – In my Garden: a Counting Book by Ward Schumacher

Sun in the Sky
(Tune: Skip to my Lou)
Sun in the sky; shine, shine, shine.
Sun in the sky; shine, shine, shine.
Sun in the sky; shine, shine, shine.
Help me with my garden.
Rain from the clouds, drip, drip, drip.
Seeds in the dirt, grow, grow, grow.

Song – Preschool of Rock “Growing Bigger” 

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Easter can be early literacy – oriented too! Coloring and painting eggs develops fine motor skills that can later be used when learning to write! Have your child sort eggs by sizes or colors. For older children, draw treasure maps they must follow to find their eggs or their baskets.

Other books that will work for this theme:
First Notes of Spring – Jessica Kulekjian
Tomorrow’s Lily – Chris Raschka

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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Love and Hearts Preschool Storytime

preschool love hearts


Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond

So… I had planned a bunch of heart and Valentine-related rhymes, but the kiddos today were SO RESTLESS so we mostly just danced in between books.

Song: Greg and Steve’s “Listen and Move

Book – Planted a Kiss by Amy Krause Rosenthal

Here is a Green Leaf
Here’s a green leaf, and here’s a green leaf
(hold out left hand, then right)
And that you see makes two
(hold up 2 fingers)
This is the bud that makes the flower
(hold palms together)
Now watch it bloom for you
(slowly separate palms)
Source: King County Library System

Song – “Growing Bigger” by Preschool of Rock

Felt Board – Little Red Valentine (Skip to my Lou)
Little Red Valentine, I love you.
Little Red Valentine, I love you.
Little Red Valentine, I love you.
Orange one says, “I do, too!”
Repeat with other colors: orange, blue, green, yellow, etc. 
Little Pink  Valentine, I love you.
Little Pink  Valentine, I love you.
Little Pink  Valentine, I love you
Happy Valentine’s Day
I passed out hearts of various colors to the kids and had them bring them up when we said the color.
Source: Storytime ABCs

Book – The I Love You Book by Todd Parr

Little Heart
I have a little heart, (place hand over heart)
And it goes thump, thump, thump
(pat chest three times)
It keeps right on beating,
When I jump, jump, jump (jump three times)
I get a special feeling, when I look at you. (point to child)
It makes me want to give you a hug or two. (hug yourself)
Source: King County Library System

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Talk about the word “Valentine” sound out the different parts of the word “val” “en” “tine” – say them separately and then together again, first slowly and then faster. Clap once for each syllable of the word. Do the same thing with “sweetheart.” 

♥ Help your child think of words that rhyme with “love” like “glove, above, dove” – make up silly rhymes with these words. Try rhyming “den” and “sleep” too!

♥ Help your child think of words that start with the “V”- “vuh” sound or have the “v” sound in them (vase, violin, glove, drive, very, give).
Source: Perry Public Library

Bonus Valentine joke: What did the boy sheep say to the girl sheep on Valentine’s Day?
You’re not baaaaa-d.

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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.