Monthly Archives: February 2016

“Letter L” preschool storytime

letter l

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Alphabet Monster (with puppet)
I’m the Alphabet Monster
And nothing tastes better
To the Alphabet Monster
Than eating a letter.
Today I will eat an “L” if I may
With the million more letters
I munch every day.
I’m hungry now. What shall I do?
I think I’ll eat a “y” an “o” and a “u” . . . . . . That means YOU!
Source: Storyblocks (adapted)

Book – Let’s Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy by Jan Thomas

Song – Jim Gill’s “Spaghetti Legs

Laugh a Little
Laugh a little, laugh a little, ha, ha, ha.
Sing a little, sing a little, la, la, la.
Clap a little, clap a little, clap, clap, clap.
Dance a little, dance a little, tap, tap, tap.
Spin a little, spin a little, round and round.
Rest a little, rest a little, all fall down
Source: Preschool Express

Little Ball
A little ball, (make circle with fingers)
A bigger ball, (make circle with hands)
A great big ball I see.(make circle with arms)
Are you ready to count them?
One, (make circle with fingers)
Two,(make circle with hands)
Three!(make circle with arms)
Source: King County Library System

 Book – Would They Love a Lion? by Katy MacDonald Denton

If You Want to be a Lion
Tune:  “Happy and You Know It
If you want to be a lion, roar out loud
If you want to be a lion, roar out loud
If you want to be a lion,
If you want to be a lion
If you want to be a lion, roar out loud
If you want to be an elephant, swing your trunk
If you want to be rabbit, hop around
Source: Adapted Traditional

Song- Greg and Steve’s “Listen and Move

Book – A Closer Look by Mary McCarthy

Once there was a Ladybug
Tune: Mary had a Little Lamb
Once there was a ladybug,
Ladybug, ladybug.
Once there was a ladybug,
Who went outside to play.

She wanted to crawl around,
Crawl around, crawl around.
She wanted to crawl around
Crawling different ways.

Once a great big bird came by,
Bird came by, bird came by.
Once a great big bird came by,
So she flew away.
Source: Ahhh, I can’t find where I found this rhyme! If anyone knows, please leave me a comment so I can give credit. 

Song- Laurie Berkner’s “I Really Love to Dance

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Engage your child in activities, such as rhyming and alliteration games, that direct her attention to the sounds in words. Rhyming can begin with Mother Goose rhymes and continue with rhyming picture books. Download the say it slow, say it fast game here:


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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“The Wheels on the Tuk Tuk” yoga storytime


Opening – How I explain the rules of yoga storytime: stay on your mat and keep your hands to yourself.
(Skip to my Lou –  from Jim Gill)
Stomping feet, one and two
Stomping feet, one and two
But if my feet were covered in glue
I’d stick to the glue, my darling.

Clapping hands, one and two
Clapping hands, one and two
But if my hands were covered in glue
I’d stick to the glue, my darling
(hands in Anjali mudra, or prayer position)

Extend and Stretch
Frere Jacques
Extend and stretch (sit in sukasana – easy seated pose, or crisscross applesauce- and do seated side bends)
Extend and stretch
Twist and turn (seated twists)
Twist and turn
This is yoga, (hands overhead on “this,” then bring to prayer position on “yoga”)
This is yoga
Om sweet om, (hands in prayer, bow forward)
Om sweet om
Source: I got this from Kids Yoga Guide teacher training, but here is another from Be Grace Yoga 

Song – Kidding Around Yoga – “Head Shoulders Yoga Pose

Book – The Wheels on the Tuk Tuk by Kabir Sehgal and Surisththa Sehgal
Tuk tuk wheels – regular motions like the wheels on the bus, rolling hands
People on the street – jump on and off mat
Rupees – move hands like dropping coins into machine, explain that rupees are Indian dollars
Namaste-ji – Namaste hands or anjali mudra with a bow
Tuk tuk wala – everyone squish together in the middle of the room
Riders go bobble – everyone wiggle in your squished group
moo-moo cow – cow pose (with cat to balance)
yogi – padmasana/lotus pose
skip to elephant
elephant – prasarita padottanasana, lifting arms like trunk and spraying like elephant on the way down
wipers – windshield wiper legs
Diwali fireworks – jumping up and down in 5-pointed star pose

Sahaja (free form dance) with scarves to instrumental Panjabi MC
I made it a freeze dance. When the music stopped, we froze, and I would call out a yoga pose for them to hold until the music started again.

Tick Tick Tick (Hindi Nursery Rhyme)
I did this in English, as my Hindi is not up to par. 
Clock makes the sound Tick Tick Tick
standing, move arms like hands of clock
Vehicle makes the sound Chick Chick Chick
dandasana/ staff pose, pretend to drive car
Bell makes the sound Tun Tun Tun
ananda balasana/ happy baby like you are a ringing bell
Child dances
and makes the sound Chun Chun Chun
natarajasana/ dancer pose
Horse runs and makes the sound Tup Tup Tup
galloping in horse stance
Rain falls
and makes the sound Chap Chap Chap
Uttanasana/Forward fold, falling like the rain
Sparrow makes the sound Choon Choon Choon
bakasana/crow pose
Little girl cries
and makes the sound Oon Oon Oon
bhaktasana/ devotional pose (child’s pose/ balasana)
Breathing Ball

This was a guided savasana. We imagined we were traveling to India, seeing new buildings,  smiling at new people, tasting and smelling new foods.

Peace begins with me
Hold both hands overhead. On the word “peace,” touch the thumbs and pinky fingers together. On the word “begins,” touch the thumbs and ring fingers. On the word “with,” touch the thumbs and middle fingers. On the word “me,” touch the thumbs and pointers. Repeat this four times, the first time loudly and hands overhead. The second time, bring the hands down a little and speak a little softer. The third time, bring hands lower and whisper. The last time, bring hands to knees and speak words silently to self.
Source: Kids Yoga Guide Teacher Training

Henna Hands craft



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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“Letter K” preschool storytime

letter k

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Alphabet Monster (with puppet)
I’m the Alphabet Monster
And nothing tastes better
To the Alphabet Monster
Than eating a letter.
Today I will eat a “K” if I may
With the million more letters
I munch every day.
I’m hungry now. What shall I do?
I think I’ll eat a “y” an “o” and a “u” . . . . . . That means YOU!
Source: Storyblocks (adapted)

Book – Kitten’s First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes

Song: Kira Willey’s “All I Wanna Do is Dance

Little Kittens
One little, two little, three little kittens
(Hold up 3 fingers of 1 hand)
Were napping in the sun.
(Bend fingers down)
One little, two little, three little puppies
(Hold up 3 fingers of other hand)
Said, “Come, let’s have some fun!”
Up to the kittens the puppies went creeping
As quiet, as quiet as could be.
(Move puppies slowly toward kitten fingers)
One little, two little, three little kittens
Went scampering up a tall tree.
(Move kitten fingers quickly into the air.)
Source: Perry Public Library

Book – Kite Flying by Grace Lin

I’m a Little Kite
Tune:  “I’m A Little Teapot
I’m a little kite up in the sky,
See me flying, oh, so high.
When the wind begins to blow and blow,
I’ll twirl and swill, just watch me go!
Source: Preschool Express

The Kites Up in the Sky
Tune: “The Farmer In The Dell”
The kites up in the sky,
Flying, oh, so, high.
They twirl around,
Then, fall down.
The kites up in the sky.
Source: Preschool Express

Book – Does a Kangaroo have a Mother Too? by Eric Carle

Song – Dawnie Allyne “The Kangaroo Hop

Kangaroo, Kangaroo
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, turn around
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, touch the ground
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, dance on your toes
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, touch your nose
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, jump high now
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, take a bow
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, stomp your feet
Kangaroo, Kangaroo, take a seat
Source: King County Library System

Different Kinds of Kisses
Grandma kisses (grab cheeks and squeeze)
Fish kisses (purse lips and move them)
Movie star kisses (blow big ones)
Rabbit kisses (wiggle nose)
Dog kisses (stick out your tongue and lick)
Source: Storytime Katie

Kye Kye Kule
Kye Kye Kule         (chay chay koo-lay)
Kye Kye Kofinsa    (chay chay koh-feen sah)
Kofisa Langa         (Koh-fee sah lahn-gah)
Kaka Shilanga       (Kah-kah shee lahn-gah)
Kum Aden Nde      (koom ah-dehn day)
Kum Aden Nde       (koom ah-dehn day)
Kum Aden Nde       (koom ah-dehn day)
Hands on your head
Hands on your shoulders
Hands on your waist
Hands on your knees
Hands on your ankles
Source: King County Library System

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: “Kidwatch” your child’s learning progression. Watch how your child learns about language and literacy and how they carry out literacy practices. Focus on reading and writing behviors, as well as oral language in various settings. Knowing how your child learns can benefit your child when he/she starts school, as well as inform his or her teacher as to how he/she learns best!


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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“Community Helpers” preschool storytime

community helpers

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – Clothesline Clues to Jobs People Do by Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook

Song – Mr. Eric’s “Smile at your Neighbor

This Little Helper
This helper builds our houses. (thumb)
This helper brings our mail. (pointer)
This helper teaches the children.
(middle finger)
And this one has groceries to sell.
(ring finger)
And this little helper, yes, it’s me
(pinky finger)
When I grow up, (Stretch arms above head)
Which will I be? (Point to self)
Source: Preschool Plan It

Book – Kitten Red, Yellow, Blue by Peter Catalanotto

If You’re Wearing any Blue
(Happy and You Know It)
If you’re wearing any blue, any blue
If you’re wearing any blue, any blue
f you’re wearing any blue
Put your finger on your shoe
If you’re wearing any blue, any blue
red…put your finger on your head
yellow…smile like a handsome fellow
brown…turn your smile into a frown
black…pat yourself on the back
white…jump up with all your might
Source: King County Library System

Hello, My Name is Joe
Hello, my name is Joe
I have a house and a dog and family
I work in a button factory
One day, my boss came up to me and said,
“Hey, Joe, are you busy?”
I said no.
Press the button with your right hand.
Repeat, adding with left hand, right and left feet, head
Final verse:
Hey, Joe, are you busy? I said YES.
Source: I knew this as an old camp song, but here is a GoNoodle version

Put Your Hands in the Air
Put your hands in the air,
And touch the ground.
Put your finger on your nose,
And your tongue all around.
Put your hands on your shoulders,
And your elbows on your knees.
Put your chin in your hands, and & say,
“Read me a story please.”
Source: King County Library System

Book – Biblioburro by Jeanette Winter

Song – They Might be Giants “Clap your Hands

Tommy Thumbs Up
Tommy thumbs up, Tommy thumbs down
Tommy thumbs dancing all over town
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head
Dance them on your knees
And tuck them into bed
Source: King County Library System

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Finding jobs and becoming well-adjusted adults and citizens would be difficult without knowing how to read! Practice reading together every day.


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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

“Joseph had a Little Overcoat” Story Explorers Book Club

joseph overcoat

I started by explaining the difference between throwing an object in the trash versus throwing it into the recycling. I explained that aluminum cans be made made into new cans, or aluminum baseball bats, or even airplanes!

Five Bottles of Juice on the Wall felt board
tune of 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
Five bottles of juice on the wall
Five bottles of juice
Put one in the recycling bin
Four bottles of juice on the wall
Source: What Happens in Storytime

Read Joseph had a Little Overcoat by Simm Taback.

We made these colorful creations from Reggio Children Inspired.

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This one was mine. I don’t know why I love this craft so much. Probably all the color.


I also offered this craft from Flannel Friday.


Use it up. Wear it out. Make it do, or do without. 🙂 Happy re-purposing!


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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Fairy Tale Ball

fairy tale ball

February’s event for little ones was the Fairy Tale Ball! Costumes welcome but not required. My fabulous coworker made the forest/castle backdrop for picture taking.

We cleaned like Cinderella. We also tried to balance plates on our heads and hands, like this Montessori-inspired activity.
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We made swords out of cardboard and tin foil and magic wands out of whatever materials I could find.
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We experimented to see which if straw, stick, or brick houses were the strongest.
three pigs fairy tales

We planted magic beans so they could grow towards the castle, like this activity030

We mined for jewels like the Seven Dwarfs, based off this birthday party game. Of course, the paper bag rocks were fun to tear apart so that happened too.


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Yogibrarian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.