“Opposites” Preschool Storytime

preschool opposites

Opening Song
I wiggle my fingers. I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my ears. I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my shoulders. I wiggle my chin.
I stretch my arms wide and pull them back in.
I wiggle my elbows. I wiggle my knees.
I hop like a bunny. I smile and say, “Cheese!”
Now I have no more wiggles left in me
And I sit on the floor as still as can be.
Source: Storytime with Jason

Book – Go! Go! Go! Stop! by Cherise Mericle Harper

Green Means Go
Red means stop. Green means go.
Yellow means be careful. You better go slow.
I look both ways when I cross the street.
I use my head to guide my feet.
Source: I have no idea where I got this, and Google is coming up with nothing. Sorry. 

Song – “Freeze Dance” by Greg and Steve

Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds sitting on a hill
One named Jack and one named Jill
Fly away, Jack. Fly away, Jill.
Come back, Jack. Come back, Jill .
Sitting in a car… near and far
Flying in the sky…low/high
Sitting on a gate…Early/late
Sitting on a pole…Fast/slow
Sitting on the ice…Mean/nice
Sitting on a gate… Wobbly/straight
Sitting on a mop… Bottom…top
Sitting on a cloud… Quiet and loud
Sitting on a lily… Serious/silly
Source: Jbrary

Book – You are (Not) Small by Anna Kang

Song – “Growing Bigger” by Preschool of Rock

Stretch Up high
Stretch up high,
As tall as a house.
Now curl up small,
As small as a mouse.
Now pretend you have a drum.
And play it like this, a rum tum tum.
Now wiggle your fingers,
And stamp your feet.
Now close your eyes,
and pretend to sleep.
Source: King County Library System

Book- Big Bigger Biggest by Nancy Coffelt

Go In and Out the Window
Go in and out the window
Go in and out the window.
Go in and out the window
As we have done before.
Other verses: go up and down the staircase; Look right and left out the window
Go quickly and slowly on the racetrack
Source: BayViews Storytime

This is Big
This is big, big, big.
(Stretch hands far to side)
This is small, small, small.
(Cup hands together over lap)
This is short, short, short.
(Hold palms horizontally, close)
This is tall, tall, tall.
(Hold palms horizontally, far apart)
This is fast, fast, fast. (roll hands quickly)
This is slow, slow, slow. (roll hands slowly)
This is yes, yes, yes. (nod)
This is no, no, no! (shake head)
Source: Mel’s Desk and (shameless self-promotion) Storyblocks

Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as high as we can
Good-bye! (in high, squeaky voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as low as we can
Good-bye! (in a deep voice)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as fast as we can
Good-bye! (very quick)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as slow as we can
Good-bye! (very slowly and drawn out)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as quiet as we can
Good-bye! (in a whisper)
Bread and butter, marmalade and jam
Let’s say good-bye as loud as we can
GOOD-BYE! (yelling)
Source: Jbrary

Early literacy tip: Play with puzzles. Play matching and sorting games— notice what is alike and different. Include foam, magnet, block letters in play.
Source: Saroj Ghoting 

Other books that will work with this theme:
Kitty and Cat: Opposites Attract by Mirka Hokkanen
Ups and Downs by Mike Wohnoutka
Uh-Oh! Rabbit by Jo Ham

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